I am considering switching from Posterous to Tumblr because of recent acquisition of Posterous by Twitter. Apparently, I have decided to switch to Octopress :) 2012-08-20 Finally, I landed on Ghost hosting on EC2 :) 2013-10-17
I am considering switching from Posterous to Tumblr because of recent acquisition of Posterous by Twitter. Apparently, I have decided to switch to Octopress :) 2012-08-20 Finally, I landed on Ghost hosting on EC2 :) 2013-10-17
Little bit updates since my last post. I am learning a lot lately, knowledge wise and spiritual wise. I think its important for a person to take a look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow’s_hierarchy_of_needs). It may or may not be applicable for each individual needs but I think every person have their own hierarchy of needs. Most importantly every needs are built entirely as an hierarchy where the lowest needs always Physiological....
My first github project Basically it fetch from youtube data api and populate using Backbone.js Head over here for the source. Fork and enjoy!
I often was asked how Malaysian are you when you do not believe at a religion as the first Malaysian Constitution stated ‘Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan’ which roughly translate to ‘Believe in the God’. As a person that cannot understand religion, I do not subscribe to any of them. However throughout the years, from an atheist, slowly I begin to realise there have to be something larger than what we (human) can comprehend....
Human resource is an important role for a company. Their job includes scrutinizing a candidate, hiring an employee or making sure the employee works with the company for the company. An employee can be compared to an apple. It is infectious as the bad bit will go viral affecting the remaining chunk. On the other hand, an employee with good attitude motivates the rest of the colleagues and teammates. It is essential for a leader to not only perform technically but also the attitude that creates positive force field....