Robert Frost's Decision

During my secondary school, everyone in the school read a poem by Robert Frost called The Road Not Taken. It questions us to pick a path for your future. It teaches me on being responsible on the decisions. Its has been years after I first encountered this poem, this poem still does not fail to frequent me whenever I am making hard decisions. Dear Robert, did you really sigh when you took the road less taken?...

February 27, 2012 · 1 min · Shern Shiou Tan


Just found out someone really did read my blog… Maybe I should post more.. :P

February 23, 2012 · 1 min · Shern Shiou Tan

New Life

After a month into my new job, I got my new life. Despite the jam, I woke up early to get to my office. I learned to code, debug. The best part of the day when you get to type commit into version control. Back home, I cook my own dinner. Attend online lecture after that or continue on my journal paper. Before I sleep, I read a few chapters....

November 3, 2011 · 1 min · Shern Shiou Tan

QString to Char*

Thanks to Qt Forum Below help us to get Char* out from QString and the other way around: QString inputString = "hello"; QByteArray byteArray = inputString.toUtf8(); const char* cString = byteArray.constData(); QString qString2 = QString::fromUtf8(cString);

October 13, 2011 · 1 min · Shern Shiou Tan

How I Became A Programmer?

I learnt programming even before I receive my former education in primary school. Even though I did not learn to create a full blown application, but it did teach me problem solving, flowchart and logic programming. The Turtle My first programming language is Logo (Wiki). Logo is console consist of a turtle that draws according to the command given. We can draw anything using command like Pen off, pen on, turn right, turn left…...

July 21, 2011 · 1 min · Shern Shiou Tan